Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Sending Susan to Virgina Beach

Last night at track we had a little surprise for Susan. Susan has been as inspiration to me and to all of the lives and hearts she has touched. Susan is running Virgina Beach this coming weekend and overcoming many obstacles. She gave us the honor of dedicating each of her 13 miles to her very close friends. Bill Dwyer had shirts made for each of us sharing a mile with her, we gave her flowers and all signed a poster boards with words of wisdom, love and encouragement. Go Susan Rock Virgina Beach!!

Our workout was good, warm up mile, and 5 x 400's. Lots of laughs and great times with great friends.

1 comment:

Viv said...

I thought that was one of the most special moments in running friendships I have ever witnessed. I was trying not to cry while streching, I hope she does wonderful outthere!