Monday, November 10, 2008

6 days and counting....

Sunday November 16th will be my first full marathon in San Antonio. A couple people have asked me if I am nervous yet and when I am awake I don't think I am nervous, but it is something about going to sleep and dreaming. I have dreamt that I got the stomach flu and could not race, I have dreamt that I had the regular flu and could not race. It seems since last Thursday when I ran the waterway with Fast Robin (aka Special K), Judi, Donna and Althea, I have been dreaming really strange dreams that in some way have prevented me from running in San Antonio. So I guess I will just go with yes I am starting to get nervous. I am starting to get the saliva thing in my mouth. I here of people getting sick after running long distances or after a triathlon, so I am think it could happen to me- possibly maybe before too. After the run around the waterway Thursday we cruised over to Luke's Locker for a 4 year anniversary party. Ate some snacks and drank a couple beers. Friday was my day off so I went out to help Pamela so she could get some much needed rest. Pamela had her first round of chemo last week and it does not agree with her body at all. Hopefully next week won't be as hard as this last one has been on her. Anyway I got to play all day with my favorite 5 month old twins.
I think we were watching Dr. Phil.. hum who knows.
Saturday morning got to sleep in a bit, we had a 6:30 start time it was our last long run before 26.2. I ran just short of 10 miles.
Saturday night we had our pre-marathon party at Judi's. Lots of fun and lots of laughs. Coach Bill packed a sample bag of what he takes to a race to share. One thing in the bag that I never thought of was Vaseline. I always have used body glide but I here Vaseline is much better. I guess I need to go to CVS this week. Coach gave us all a nice pep talk and told he knew we would all do fantastic. Sunday SHOPPING!!

Thursday 2.7.. Saturday 9.78..


Viv said...

Misty, I am very excited for you girl a marathon! OK i will stop adding to the nerves, but you have done the training and now it is your to take. I am glad you were able to help with the twins. I still keep your frined Pamela in my prayers. I love Vaseline, I did some 1/2 marathon that my body glide had run dry and it was like a blessing in a jar.

K said...

Hey Misty,
You are going to do fine... Take some Zinc or some Emergen-C to bump up your immunity. I love Emergen-C!

I'll be cheering you all on from The Woodlands!!

Adrienne Langelier, MA said...

Good Luck! You'll do great!