In five shorts weeks I will be participating in Ironstar 70.3, this will be my first half iron distance and as it gets closer the training becomes a little more intense. I started my triathlon journey one year ago, when "running" just wasn't enough. After completing several half marathon a few full marathons and 2 ultra marathons I wondered what next. I had been training at the track with Kim Hager and many triathletes (team sTRIve) and many times would hear, so when are you going to do a triathlon? My answer was NEVER, see I was completely terrified of getting in the water with a bunch of crazy women all trying to drown me, as so I thought. After many months of hearing stories of how these people traveled together and trained together constantly I thought I would give it a try. I signed up Try Andy's Tri and did my first Sprint triathlon on October 18, 2009. Since then I have done 3 sprints and 1 Oly, after doing my first Oly in Austin over Labor Day weekend I came home and after talking to my Coach (Gena) I signed up for Ironstar. Since Labor day my bike rides have increased from 25-30 miles for long rides to 50-60+ miles usually ridden on Sunday mornings with my awesome teammates. Some rides rock some rides suck, but I know in the end it will get me to the finish. If I didn't have training partners I would never get the finish on my own. Yesterday's ride was a tough one, it was windy, I felt lost for what seemed to be an eternity on a bumpy road, my ciatic (sp?) nerve hurt for about 30 miles and I really felt I would not be able to run off the bike. When I got in I told Gena what was going on so she pushed on the nerve and told me to run for 20 mins. When I started running the pain seemed to go away and I looked down to see I was running a sub 10 min pace. When we returned from the run we had run 2 miles at a 9.48 pace. And I felt like I could have run 2 more miles. Lesson learned, even the crappy rides aren't so bad. I also remember how much the words Team sTRIve mean to me. Thank you to my teammates that always seem to help me push through the good and the bad.
Friday 10 mile run
Saturday 5K breast cancer walk
Sunday 62 mile bike ride + 2.1 mile run.
Hope to see you on the roads soon.
5 weeks! I better get training!
You are doing to do great at Ironstar, see you there.
Sounds like you will definitely be ready for this triathlon!
Enjoy the last of the training, the taper and the big day!
You are tough and brave. I did some triathlons in 1998 and 1999 but now I only run. I’ve got some ultra goals to achieve over the next few years and don’t see myself in a triathlon again. Good luck with your training!
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