Friday, January 8, 2010

Marathon Count Down

Chevron Houston Marathon is 9 sleeps away. I am hoping to finally break 5 hours. Something at about mile 20 always kills me, my mind starts to doubt, my legs start to cramp, and my feet start aching from blisters. I am hoping that January 17th is my day to finally preserver and jump this hurdle. Tomorrow is my last long run before the marathon and then it will be an easy week- Yeah! I don't think I have enough clothes to wear tomorrow morning being that it will be about 18 degrees when we head out, this is Houston people we don't get this kind of weather very often- I think it was 1996 the last time we had weather this cold.

Thanks Jason from DryMax for my package! These will be on my feet for the marathon.

Hope to see you on the roads! Good luck to everyone racing Disney and any other races this weekend!


Adrienne Langelier, MA said...

Wishing you the best to PR next weekend! Stay warm in the meantime.

Robin K said...

Go Misty go!!! Run hard!!!

TX Runner Mom said...

Just wanted to wish you the best of luck on Sunday! Sending some "PR" vibes your way! :-)