Monday, May 5, 2008

April 29th-May 4

Tuesday- 6:45 pm warm up & track work out at Knox 4 x 400 with 200 recovery

Wednesday- Up at 4:30 am Boot camp at 5 am consisting of lots of lungs, squats and sprints

Thursday-off for needed rest

Friday- 6:30 am Pilates

Saturday- Up at 5:15 am to Volunteer at CB&I Tri. this was so much fun. I was on Bill Dwyers team and we had the 5k run leg. We got to act as cones & keep traffic off of the roads and cheer on 1000 participants. It was amazing to be on the volunteer end finally, it made me feel good to see the smiles on the athletes faces when we cheered for them. About 12 of us got run with Miranda who was a huge inspiration to me. She was competing in her very first tri and she had so much spirit. Anyway the 12+/- got to run about the last 1/4 mile with her. It was awesome. Later in the afternoon we to the Woodlands Fit coaches/assistant coach meeting.

Sunday- 6 miles with TWRC from Brooklyn Bagel to Creekside then home for a nap. Later in the evening we had dinner with friends and went to the Rodger Waters show at the Woodlands Pavilion. That was very cool.

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